My research is currently supported by by Simons Foundations Collaboration Grant #584704.

      1. A subrepresentation theorem for p-adic symmetric spaces, preprint

      2. (with M. Adrian) A local converse theorem for Archimedean GL(n), preprint,

      3. (with M. Emory) A multiplicity one theorem for general Spin group, submitted. pdf

      4. On relatively tempered representations for p-adic symmetric spaces, in "Representations of reductive p-adic groups", 263-289, Progress in Mathematics 328, Birkhäuser/Springer (2019). pdf

      5. (with A. Wood) Hecke algebra correspondences for the metaplectic group, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 370 (2018), 1101-1121. pdf

      6. Remarks on metaplectic tensor products for covers of GL(r), Pacific J. Math., 290 (2017), 199--230. pdf

      7. (with W.T. Gan) On the Howe duality conjecture in classical theta correspondence, in "Advances in the theory of automorphic forms and their L-functions", 105-117, Contemp. Math., 664 (2016). pdf

      8. (with W.T. Gan) A proof of the Howe duality conjecture, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 29 (2016), 473-493. pdf

      9. Metaplectic tensor products for automorphic representations of GL˜(r), Canad. J. Math 68 (2016), 179-240. pdf

      10. On a certain metaplectic Eisenstein series and the twisted symmetric square L-function, Math. Zeit. 281 (2015), 103-157. pdf

      11. (with W.T. Gan and Y. Qiu) The regularized Siegel-Weil formula (the second term identity) and the Rallis inner product formula, Invent. Math. 198 (2014) 739-831. pdf

      12. On the lattice model of the Weil representation and the Howe duality conjecture, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 29, (2014) 321-378. pdf

      13. The twisted symmetric square L-function of GL(r), Duke Math. J. 163 (2014), 175-266. pdf

      14. (with W.T. Gan) Theta correspondences for GSp(4), Represent. Theory 15 (2011), 670-718. pdf

      15. (with W.T. Gan) On the regularized Siegel-Weil formula (the second term identity) and non-vanishing of theta lifts from orthogonal groups, J. Reine Angew. Math. 659 (2011), 175-244. pdf

      16. Some local-global non-vanishing results of theta lifts for symplectic-orthogonal dual pairs, J. Reine Angew. Math. 657 (2011), 81-111. pdf

      17. (with W.T. Gan) The Local Langlands Conjecture for GSp(4), Ann. of Math. 173 (2011), 1841-1882. pdf

      18. (with W.T. Gan) The Local Langlands Conjecture for Sp(4), Int. Math. Res. Not. (2010), no. 15, 2987-3038. pdf

      19. (with W.T. Gan) On Shalika periods and a theorem of Jacquet-Martin, Amer. J. Math. 132 (2010), 475-528. pdf

      20. Some local-global non-vanishing results for theta lifts from orthogonal groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361 (2009), 5575-5599. pdf